
Friday 28 February 2014

Squirrel Animation

This is a demonstration of movement in nature using some trees and an adorable squirrel!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Claymation Movie

Two blob people in love!
For the end of the first year of school we had to make a complete experimental animation. I had the idea of a blob couple from the very first day of class so I decided it was time to bring it to life. I don't want to spoil what happens so I hope you enjoy my story and my first attempt at a short animated film.

If I ever have the time and resources again I would love to remake this with the new knowledge I have about animation but at this point I feel like this has to be the cutest movie I've ever made.

Thursday 28 February 2013

A Space Babe and a Classy Mural

These last two are both for Digital Illustration, a class that you can see I put a lot of my painting time into.

This was our final project for the 2012 semester. I wanted to do something in space, with a human figure and interesting lighting. As far as I can tell I achieved all three! For the planet I used a stock photo of rock and a tutorial to get it looking pretty planet like. The girl is entirely by my own design and I used no reference for her or her armour. I might have wanted to look up a pose reference from the beginning but I'm still really pleased with the result.

This is a more recent project from 2013! The hallway outside of the project studio was painted black so a mural could be painted on. We worked in partners to come up with designs and this was my concept. My friend Krista Mackinnon and I finished it together, I did the three left figures and she did the three on the right. The design ended up winning and is now being painted! :D


I really enjoy painting landscapes and I've learned a lot in just the passed year. I always love learning new things and techniques. My next objective is to start using more reference material so I get my pictures looking more accurate :)

 This was supposed to be a plant themed background so I missed the point a little bit but this was our first Digital Illustration piece of 2012 and my second time using Corell Painter Pro.

This piece is my most recent to date and was to show aerial perspective for Digital Illustration. I did this one in Photoshop because I'm a lot more comfortable in that program.

Comparatively I like the water better in the older one but almost everything else about the newer one.


Very recently I've started to paint a lot of animals because they're very fun and adding detail to the fur and hair has been a process I've really enjoyed. I still have a lot to learn but here are some of my favourites.

This is a caribou I drew for Digital Illustration class in 2012.

 This is a horse I drew for Digital Illustration in 2013. The point of the image was the background but I ended up putting waaay too much work into this guy, whoops D:

This image was for a environmentally friendly community contest in Truro, also 2013. He's chillin' like a bro on that line, what a champ.

Animation Work from 2011-2012

I'm uploading a few of my animations from my first year of animation to show where I started off :)

This first video is my Jazzercize from the first semester. It's an exercise in foreshortening, weight and timing.

This was a scene from our class movie in second semester.

And this is an example of my claymation. He's a sort of Shaman dude and I did not make the background piece.

I hope you enjoy watching! :D

Tuesday 26 February 2013


My name is Jessica Hanley and I'm a Digital Animation student at NSCC. 
This blog will contain many works of mine from examples of animation to background art!
I hope you enjoy!